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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Guest Blogging

Has anyone out there done the Guest Blogging thing? Well obviously quite a lot of people have and the premise seems pretty simple. Me, I'm trying to build up traffic and share content about writing to benefit myself (and incidentally others since guest blogging is a win win for both parties and builds up notice on both sides) by increasing notice of my writing on Amazon. Pretty much the same thing just about any Writer would want to do. I don't wish to languish in the vapor zone forever. Has anyone had good success in Guest Blogging? I'm sure it takes a while to really reap the benefits. Like I said before, marketing is about 10 times harder than writing itself. It can be a real bitch. Please share your thoughts and any advice on it you may have.


  1. Is that like guest posting on someone else's blog? If so, I'd invite you to write a guest post on mine, but seeing as my crazy-ass blog is practically a ghost town, I figure that might be a step in the wrong direction for you. ;-D
    I did a guest post on someone else's blog once, and it did bring some curiosity-seekers my way; but most of them left just as quickly as they had arrived. I have that effect on people. You, however, are of more mentally stable lot, and could benefit more from such a move.
    Still, my crazy-ass blog doors are always open to you. :)

  2. I've been wanting to do some Guest Interviews on my blog and vice versa...But now that you mention it, a Guest Post would work too. I know I've re-posted some authors blog posts, making sure to totally show their credentials and links. That way, I have some interesting, new and related content on my blog from someone else who perhaps writes similar books/in the same genres as myself. Let me know...feel free to email directly (email I think shows on my link or profile thingy.)

    1. Hi Gina,

      This sounds like a doable idea. I'd have to come up with some content to send to you. I'll toss it around and see what I come up with. Thanks for posting!!!


  3. Forgive me for posting twice, but I just got one of my crazy ideas pop into my head right now. Why don't we do a literary cross-bloggination? That is, you write a new, never-before-seen short story to be posted at MY blog, and I can write one for YOURS! We can limit it to something short (500-600 words, for instance), and even agree to a theme, if you want to go in that direction. Whadda'ya think? Please feel free to tell me I'm fulla beans, if you think it's nuts.

    1. Sounds like a helluvanidea! Dude ur a genius. I've been checking out youtube videos on how to guest blog. Be respectful. Spell check...don't spam. It's a lot of work but if I blog to you and you blog to me then maybe you can see if you can find another person who is interested in our stuff, send them and email, and ask if he or she wants to join. Maybe slowly but surely things could build from there. It would be exposure and that would be good. I'll have to see if I can write something between 500 and 1000 words. You know me I tend to write long so I have to restrain myself. Do you have any short material on tap? Lemme know dude. Ok talk to you soon. Again, Great idea!

    2. I actually do have a 500 word story on tap, but the selling point of the concept, the draw, would be that the resulting stories were something specially written for the occasion. This is where a theme might come in handy. It would have to be agreed to beforehand. The short word limit was me thinking that our respective blogs aren't exactly easy on the eyes when it comes to reading a lot of text. Mine especially. White text on black is great for small bouts of text separated by pictures or video, but it sure sucks eggs for reading anything over a certain length. We don't want to strain the readers' eyes overmuch. :D
      You also suggest (I think) trying to get other writers in on this, but how would that work? How would the stories be divvied up then? With just two people, it's an even swap, but more than two, and we have a conundrum. Not that I'm poo-pooing the idea, mind you, I just don't have many writer friends (do you?). Either way, there's no hurry right now, we can email each other and discuss the matter some more if you'd like.

    3. You might be right. Maybe just sticking with two people would be better. Do you have a theme you want to suggest for stories? See if you can come up with a theme and I'll try and think about that too. Even swap is probably best.

  4. Didn't mean to douse your enthusiasm, there. I guess we can call it a "bench test" to work out the bugs in the idea, in case you want to try for something more ambitious later. And for our proposed length of 500 to 1000 words, it doesn't even have to be a full-on story; it can be a vignette or character study or something to that effect. Just something that showcases your writing. Something that won't take too much time off of other projects you might be working on at the moment. As for theme, how about something up both our respective alleys, like FEAR or NIGHTMARE or DELUSION (in honor of that Tom Cruise video, ha ha!). Pick whichever one floats your boat and make a post explaining the idea and the theme, I will follow suit and do the same on my blog. Then we have a week to write. I'll send you my WORD doc via email and you send me yours and we post the results on our blogs and see whats what. How does that sound? Tell me what you think through an email, as I don't think this post can support anymore of my commentary, lol!

  5. Will do...expect an email from me in the coming days! RH
